martes, 28 de junio de 2011
110627 Come To Play – Cortos de Changmin
Programa Come To Play,
110627 Miss Ripley - Yuchun cantando
cr: ShelterStandBy6002
Miss Ripley,
110628 Choikang Changmin alienta a las niñas de Grls Generation como un Cantante que Entro Primero en el Mercado Japones
TVXQ’s Choikang Changmin gave words of encouragement to Girls’ Generation.
MBC’s ‘Come to Play’ held a ‘We Came from Paris’ special with TVXQ, Super Junior, Girls’ Generation and f(x).
While saying their final comments to each other, Changmin gave words of encouragement to Girls’ Generation, who are currently busy with their Japanese activities, as he said, “It’s lonely and hard to be in a country that isn’t your homeland,” and “I’m sure you will miss your friends and family.”
To this, Girls’ Generation teared up as their senior showed that he understood what they were going through. As Choikang Changmin debuted in Japan before Girls’ Generation, he was able to understand how the girls felt outside of their home country more than anyone else, and the moment in which he treated the girl group like a caring older brother showed the friendship between SM Town singers.
In the final moments, Sulli cried as she thanked Tiffany and Taeyeon, who she liked before her debut, for being so nice to her and Kristal apologized to Sulli for not taking care of her more due to their age gap.
Choikang Changmin de TVXQ dio palabras de aliento a las Girls Generation
En MBC "Come to Play" se llevo a cabo un especial "Nosotros venimos de París" con TVXQ, Super Junior, Girls Generation y F(X)
Al decir sus observaciones finales el uno al otro, Changmin dio palabras de aliento a Girls Generation que actualmente estan ocupadas en sus actividades en Japón, el dijo " Es solitario y dificil estar en un país que no es tu patria y estoy seguro de que necestaran a sus amigos y familiares".
A esto, Girls Generation se llenaron de lagrimas, como su superior mostró que entendia lo que estaban pasando. Como Choikang Changmin debuto en Japón antes que Girl Generation fue capaz de entender mas que nadie como las chicas se sentian fuera de su país, y el momento en como el trataba a los grupos de chicas como si fuera su hermano mayor mostro la amistan entre los cantantes de SM.
En el momento final, Sulli lloro cuando ella agradecio a Tiffany y a Taeyeon, como ella le gustaba antes de su debut, por ser tan amables con ella y Krystal se disculpo con Sulli por no cuidar mas de ella debido a su diferencia de edad.
Programa Come To Play,
110628 Junsu – Musical Mozart
110628 Changmin es Encantador y Carismatico Interpretando la cancion para niños "Splish Splash" en Come to Play

TVXQ’s Choikang Changmin showed off his charms by singing a charismatic rendition of a children’s song with his eyes wide open.
In the MBC ‘Come To Play’ episode that aired on the 26th, Girls’ Generation, Super Junior, f(x) and TVXQ, who are the forerunners of the K-Pop craze in Europe, talked about the behind-the-scenes stories of their trainee days.
They each had ‘secret orders’ at the time and they wrote down what they were not allowed to do. There were a variety of orders such as ‘Don’t overreact’, but Changmin was the only person who didn’t have a secret order.
He said that he wasn’t told not to do something because he usually didn’t do anything. But there was something that Changmin is good at, and that was having a charismatic gaze.
When Lee Teuk said that Changmin sings ballads with a gaze that could shoot laser beams and even children’s songs with a strong gaze, Choikang Changmin sang ‘Splish Splash’ on the spot with his strong and charming gaze.
Choikang Changmin de TVXQ mostró su carisma cantando una carismatica interpretación de una canción para niños con sus hojos grandes abiertos.
En el episodio de Come to Play de MBC que salio al aire el dia 26, Girls Generation, Super Junior, F(x) y TVXQ que son los precursores de la locura del K-Pop en Europa, hablaron sobre el detras de escenas de sus dias como aprendiz.
Cada uno de ellos había "ordenes secretas" en el momento y ellos escribieron lo que a ellos no se les permitio hacer. Tenian una variedad de ordenes tales como "No reaccione" pero Changmin era la unica persona que no tenia una orden secreta.
El dijo que a el no se le dijo que no hiciera nada porque por lo general el no hacia nada. Pero habia algo que Changmin tenia bueno y es que tenia una mirada carismatica.
Cuando Lee Teuk dijo que Changmin cantaba baladas con una mirada que podría disparar rayos láser y hasta canciones de niños con una mirada fuerte, Choikang Changmin canta "Splish Splash" en el lugar con su fuerte y carismatica mirada.
Programa Come To Play,
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