2005 >>> 2010
This issue brings to you the photos and special interviews done for the songs that are included in their best album, [BEST SELECTION 2010], which will be released on 17 February!
Let's look back on the candid interviews that were done with these regulars of PATI PATI.
--Esta revista trae las fotos y la entrevista especial con las canciones que se incluyen en el mejor album [BEST SELECCION 2010], que saldra el 17 de febrero--

During last year's arena tour, they coordinated their dance moves with large screen LCDs and gave an exciting performance to the audience.
If one mentions 2008, one will definitely remember [PURPLE LINE], released in January that year, that allowed them to achieve their first Oricon Chart #1!
Through this single they also made a new record of number one singles and made that year an undeniable of number ones.
--Este single salio a la venta en octubre de 2008 con el titulo de la canción, la cual es energica y sexy, de su 4to album coreano.
Durante el año pasado en el arena tour, ellos coordinaron sus movimientos de baile con grandes pantallas LCD y dieron un espectaculo exitante a la audiencia.
Con una mención en el 2008, la que definitivamente recordaran [PURPLE LINE], que salio a la venta en enero de ese año, el cual llego al #1 lugar en el Oricon Chart.
A través de ete single comenzaron un nuevo record de singles número uno haciendose innegable que ese año sería de números uno--
02. Share The World

It can be said that this is a piece of work that shows of Tohoshinki's open and bright personalities.
It also made all 5 members very happy as they are all fans of [One Piece]!
Also, not only did this song garner the support of music fans, it also received a lot of love from anime fans and children, achieving a breakthrough.
--Este single salio a la venta en abril de 2009 como un doble-A (dos canciones promotoras del single) con la canción [We are!] y se convirtio en el tema de apertura del popular anime [One Piece].
Tengo que decir que esta es una pieza de trabajo que muestra personalidades abiertas y brillantes de Tohoshinki.
También logro hacer a los 5 integrantes muy felices como a los fans de [One Piece]!
Además esta canción no solo logro el apoyo de sus fans como grupo de música sino también el amor de los fans del anime y de los ninos logrando un gran avance--
03. My Destiny

Junsu: A soccer player. Because I love singing, so I eventually became a singer, but before that, I dreamed about becoming a soccer player. Even now, as long as there's time, I'll play soccer.
Jejung: Even if I'm reborn again, I still want to be a member of Tohoshinki. Also, I want to complete all my wishes which I didn't have a chance to fulfil.
Changmin: I want to be a farmer.
PP: A farmer? (laugh)
Changmin: When I was studying Japanese I read a book which told a story about a farmer. I want to be like that farmer and live in a natural and quiet place.
Yunho: I want to become a bird because I really like to watch the sky. I must look at it at least 3 times a day. This allows me to regain my strength and I feel more calm within. So I want to become a bird who can soar freely in the sky.
Yuchun: I don't want to be reborn again. But whatever the case, I wish I can be born somewhere else aside from Earth and I want a body free from allergies (laugh).
Junsu: Yuchun really loves dogs but he's really pitiful as he can't keep them due to his allergies.
--PP: En la letra de [My Destiny], hay una linea de que dice "Incluso si renasco de nuevo..." Si tuvieras la oportunidad de renacer, que te gustaría ser?
Jejung: Incluso si renasco de nuevo, quiero ser un integrante de Tohoshinki. También, quiero completar todos mis deseos que no tuve la oportunidad de cumplir.
Changmin: Yo quiero ser un agricultor.
PP: Un granjero? (risas)
Changmin: Cuando yo estudiaba japones leí un libro el cual cuenta la historia de un granjero. Yo quiero ser un granjero y vivir en un lugar silencioso y natural.
Yunho: Yo quiero renacer en un pajaro por que me gusta mucho mirar el cielo. Yo lo miro más de 3 veces al día. Esto me permite recuperar mis fuerzas y me siento mas calmado en mi interior. Así que quiero ser un pajaro que pueda volar libremente por el cielo.
Yuchun: Yo no quiero nacer de nuevo. Pero si ese fuera el caso, deseo que pueda nacer en otro lugar fuera de la tierra y con un cuerpo libre de alergias. (risas).
Junsu: Yuchun really loves dogs but he's really pitiful as he can't keep them due to his allergies.
Yuchun realmente ama los perros pero en realidad es lamentable que le causen alergias.--
04. Why did I fall in love with you?

PP: What do you guys think? Just like in the drama, when the wedding has reached its climax and the church doors open to reveal her ex-lover... I feel like he would hold her hand and walk away... Like that, don't you feel like experiencing that?
Junsu: Then I'll become the third party (laugh).
Changmin: This is Junsu's specialty.
Jejung: He'd do that even if it's a complete stranger's wedding.
Changmin: This is how he usually goes to a bunch of weddings and spoil them before returning.
PP: Ah, Junsu, you've done it again! (laugh) (Like the boy that cried wolf)
Changmin: Everyone escapes together.
Junsu: What are you saying? I definitely won't do something like that! If I want to do it, I'll create trouble during your honeymoon (laugh).
Changmin: You're the worst.
Jejung: Although I won't antagonize the other party so directly, but I'll leave a note in the packet that contains the congratulatory money (t/n: as gifts to the wedding couple) and write the words "GIRLSCOUT" (laugh).
PP: What a careful method of showing your power.
Jejung: Then, when they're on their honeymoon, beforehand I would have checked which hotel they're staying in and leave another note on their pillow. On the note I'll write the words "GIRLSCOUT", and I'll continue to do that everywhere.
Yunho: So despicable!
PP: In the beginning it might seem like a cute prank, but if you keep doing that, aren't you afraid that they'll hate you (laugh)?
Jejung: I'm joking. Then it's better to wait 20 years after their marriage and then I'll marry their daughter!
Yunho: Lame! (laugh)
Jejung: Really~~!
PP: Que es lo que piensan? Justo como en el drama, cuando la boda termina y las puertas de la iglesia se abren para revelar a su ex-amor... Yo siento que el tomaría su mano y se irian ... No tienen ganas de experimentarlo algo como estó?
Junsu: Entonces sere la tercera fiesta (risas).
Changmin: Esta es la especialidad de Junsu.
Jejung: El iria al evento incluso si la boda fuera de un completo extraño.
Changmin: Generalmente va a muchas bodas y las estropea antes de volver.
PP: Ah, Junsu, lo hace otra vez! (risas) (Como el muchacho que grito lobo)
Changmin: Todos escapan juntos.
Junsu: Que estás diciendo? Definitivamente no hare algo como estó. Si quiero hacerlo voy a crear poblemas durante mi luna de miel (risas).
Changmin: Eres de lo peor.
Jejung: Aunque no voy a contrariar a la otra parte de manera tan directa, pero voy a dejar una nota en el paquete que contiene el dinero de felicitación (T / N: como regalos a los novios) y escriba las palabras "Girlscout" (risas )..
PP: Que método cuidadoso de mostrar tu poder.
Jejung: Entonces, cuando estemos en su luna de miel, previamente habría que comprobar hotel en el que vamos a quedarnos y pondre otra nota sobre su almohada. En la nota voy a escribir las palabras "Girlscout", y voy a seguir haciéndolo en todas partes.
Yunho: Tan despreciable!
PP: En un principio, podría parecer una broma linda pero si sigues haciendo eso, ¿no tienes miedo de que te odie (risas)?
Jejung: Estoy bromeando. Entonces es mejor que espere 20 años y después de matrimonio y entonces me casare con su hija!
Yunho: Lame! (risas)
Jejung: En verdad~~!--
05. Purple Line

Junsu: Yes, but the style is different from [Rising Sun]. That is to say, this song is not really Tohoshinki's usual style.
Yunho: It's a little different from our usual image.
Junsu: To be honest, after the firs recording, in order to have a higher level of perfection, they let us record it again.
Jejung: There are some parts that just don't match.
Changmin: That's why during the second recording, they increased two keys for the beginning portion.
Junsu: The way we vocalised also changed. So the final result was very different.
Yunho: This song will allow you to feel a new Tohoshinki, and we'll become even better in the new album, so I hope everyone won't forget this single too quickly when the new album is released!
PP: So, it's disheartening right from the beginning of the year. Are the oyaji gags from Junsu, which healed these 4 people, finally coming to an end?
Junsu: (cracks an oyaji gag)
All: .....
Junsu: Then, "If you keep eating a little, how much is a little?" (another oyaji gag)
All: Thank you for your hard work! (laugh)
--PP: Ustedes comenzaron el año con [Purple Line] y eh escuchado que esta canción fue hecha por el mismo autor de las canciones [Rising Sun] y [O], ambas son muy populares durante sus conciertoss.
Junsu: Si, pero el estilo es diferente de [Rising Sun]. Es decir, esta canción no es del estilo habitual de Tohoshinki.
Yunho: Es un poco diferente de nuestro imagen usual.
Junsu: Para ser honesto, después de la primera grabación, a fin de tener mayor nivel de perfección, nos dejaron grabar de nuevo.
Jejung: Hay algunas partes que no coinciden.
Changmin: Es por esto que durante la segunda grabación, ellos aumentaron dos llaves para la parte del inicio.
Junsu: La forma como vocalisamos también cambio. Al final el resultado fue diferente.
Yunho: Esta canción te permitirá sentir un nuevo Tohoshinki, y vamos a hacer lo mejor en el nuevo album, así que espero que cada uno no olvideo este single muy rapido cuando el nuevo album se venda!
PP: Entonces, es un inicio de año desalentador. de los oyaji gags de Junsu, cual curo a estas 4 personas, llegando a su fin?
Junsu: (cracks un oyaji gag)
All: .....
Junsu: Entonces, "Si sigues comiendo un poco, cuantó es un poco?" (otro oyaji gag)
All: Gracias por su gran trabajo! (risas)--
06. Stand by U

Jejung: I can also relate to the lyrics "Everytime the phone rings I hope to see your name appear".
Yunho: I can relate to "I remember your back, your tied up hair". I've also had an experience when I was on the streets and thought that I recognised someone I used to date.
PP: Could it be a miraculous coincidence?
Yunho: No it's not! It's the exact opposite. It turned out to be a complete stranger. Although I was really disappointed but thank goodness I didn't have the courage to go up to her (laugh).
Jejung: Ah, that happened to me many times.
Yunho: At that moment, although you thought you forgot it all, the memories just come rushing back.
PP: After that, even if you just smell the perfume that she used to use, it will be like that, right?
Yuchun: Ah~ that's right! You really will think "it's that person's smell".
Jejung: The memories that have been absorbed, even if you forget it for a moment, they will not completely disappear.
Yunho: How a man feels about these kind of things, I think any man will understand. But I hope that through this songs, females will understand the men who continue to miss them even after the break up, and to treasure these memories.
Honest & Personal Question: What kind of family do you want to create?
PP: Jejung, how many kids do you want to have in future?
Jejung: For this, any number is fine. I also have to consider my wife's healthy (laugh). It would be nice if I can have many kids but if there are too many, my strength would not be sufficient and my wife would feel burdened. So, I think the most would be 3 kids.
PP: If the members' kids are all about the same age and if they are all boys, what do you think about forming a little Tohoshinki?
Changmin: Ah, better not. Junsu's kid will definitely be very 'free', my child won't be able to stand that guy. Before this happens, I'lll encourage him to withdraw (laughs).
PP: Yunho's ideal family is?
Yunho: Me and my wife. As for kids, 2 sons and a daughter would be nice.
PP: Yunho seems to require looking after, but after you become a parent, it seems like you'll spoil your kids a lot. Especially the girl.
Yunho: That's right. I'll keep thinking so cute, so cute, why are they so cute (laugh). (He laughs in a silly manner.)
PP: But I thin there are times when you are stern too.
Yunho: I think I'll definitely spoil her a little, but not to the extent that she becomes a nuisance for others. I'll be firm and educate her about basic manners and values.
PP: Yuchun's ideal family is?
Yuchun: I just want a cute wife and a cute daughther. If possible, I just want one.
PP: Eh? Is that so? Are you saying you just want to have one child and give her all your love?
Yuchun: There's also that thought. But isn't it true that when there's lesser people, you understand each other better. Even if I have a child, I can't place all my attention on her. I think it is better to have a good relationship with my wife. If there are too many kids, wouldn't it become a hindrance when it's love love time with my wife (laughs). (t/n: he said 'love love' XD)
PP: Do you want a son or daughter?
Junsu: I want 2 sons and I think one daughter would be best.
PP: And the order of birth?
Junsu: First I'll have a son, followed by another son. After that I'll have a daughter. But if I haven't become an adult by then, then I can't do this (laugh).
--Changmin: La letra de la canción es muy honesta. Aunque yo no tengo ese tipo de experiencia, pienso que con el tiempo un hombre puede desarrollar este tipo de sentimientos.
Jejung: Yo puedo relacionar con la letra "Cada vez que suene el telefono espero ver su nombre aparecer".
Yunho: Yo puedo relacionarlo a un "Recuerdo tu espalda, tu cabello atado". Tuve una experiencia cuando iba por la calle y pense ver alguien que reconoci aun recuerdo la fecha.
PP: Podria ser una milagrosa coincidencia?
Yunho: No, no lo es! Es exactamente lo contrario. Resulto ser un completo desconocido. Realmente me desepciones pero gracias a Dios no tuve el corage para ir hacia ella (risas).
Jejung: Ah, esto me sucede a mi muchas veces.
Yunho: En ese momento, aunque olvidas todos las memorias regresan corriendo hacia atras.
PP: Después de estó, con solo oler el perfume que ella usaba será así, verdad?
Yuchun: Ah~ es cierto! Tu realmente piensas "que esta persona huele así".
Jejung: Las memorias te absorben incluso si las olvidas por un momento no desaparecen completamente.
Yunho: Como se pueda sentir acerca de este tipo de cosas, yo pienso que cualquier hombre lo entendera. Pero yo espero que atraves de estas canciones, las mujeres entiendan a los hombres que continuan extrañando aun después de la ruptura, y atesorar estas memorias.
Pregunta honesta & personal: Que tipo de familia quieres crear?
PP: Jejung, cuantos niños quieres tener en un futuro?
Jejung: Para esto, cualquier número es bueno. También considerar la salud de mi esposa (risas). Seria bueno si puedo tener muchos niños pero si son muchos mi fuerza no será suficiente y mi esposa se sentira cansada también asi que pienso que tres niños estarían bien.
PP: Si los niños de los integrantes fueran todos de las misma edad y todos fueran niños,que piensan acerca de formar grupo de pequeños Tohoshinki?
Changmin: Ah, mejor no. El hijo de Junsu definitivamente será muy 'libre', mi hijo no podra con ese chico. Antes de que es pase lo animare a retirarse (risas).
PP: ¿Cuál es la familia ideal de Yunho?
Yunho: Yo y mi esposa. En cuanto a los niños, dos hijos y una hija estaría bien.
PP: Yunho parece que necesitara suerte para los cuidados después que sea padre, parece que consentiras mucho a tus niños. Especialmente a la niña.
Yunho: Tienes razón. Dejare de forma tan linda, muy lindo, porque pienso tan lindo (risas). (El se ríe de una manera tonta)
PP: Pienso que habra momentos en que ustedes sean severos también.
Yunho: Creo que definitivamente voy a malcriar un poco a mis hijos, pero en la medida en que ella se convierte en una molestia para los demás sers firme y la educare a ella acerca de las costumbres y valores básicos.
PP: ¿Cuál es la familia ideal de Yuchun?
Yuchun: Yo solo quiero una linda esposa y una linda hija. Si es posible solo quiero uno.
PP: Eh? Y eso? Esas diciendo que solo quieres tener una hija y darle todo tu amor?
Yuchun: Hay también ese pensamiento. Pero no es verdad que cuando hay poca gente, usted se entiende mejor. Incluso si tengo un niño, no puedo poner toda mi atención en ella. Pienso que es mejor tener una buena relación con mi esposa. Si hay demasiados cabritos, no se convierte en un obstáculo cuando it' tiempo del amor del amor de s con mi esposa (risas). (t/n: él dijo ' amor love' XD)
PP: ¿Quieres un niño o una niña?
Junsu: Yo quiero dos hijos y pienso que una hija sería lo mejor.
PP: Y ¿el de naciemiento?
Junsu: Primero quiero un niño, le seguiria otro niño pronto. Después la niña. Pero si no soy un adulto antes no puedo hacer eso (risas).--
07. Stay With Me Tonight

Junsu: Yes. Although I've not experienced it, but I can more or less understand how the lead feels.
PP: Even though you secretly love her, you can't confess.
Junsu: It's really hard.
Yuchun: I think it should be the girl that finds it hard.
PP: That's true. Not only are you unable to express those thoughts but you have to treat her in a cold manner as well.
Yunho: For me, no matter what, I want to become someone like that.
PP: Won't it create a lot of misunderstandings?
Yunho: There's no other choice.
Yuchun: Whether you say it or not, there will be regrets. In that case, you might as well tell her your true feelings. Isn't that better?
Changmin: I think the same as Yuchun.
Jejung: I think in love, the order is very important.
PP: Jejung seems to be an expert in relationships.
Jejung: Ah, no. I'm just saying (laugh). But precisely because there are many different types of love, that's why it becomes more interesting.
Junsu: He's really just saying (laugh).
Jejung: I'm kidding (laugh).
--PP: La letra habla de un chico que se enamoro de la novia de su amigo. Cuando vieron la letra, ¿vieron alguna similitud con ustedes?
Junsu: Si. Aun cuando no tengo experiencia puedo entender más o menos lo que siente.
PP: A pesar que amarla en secreto, no se lo puede confesar.
Junsu: Eso es realmente duro.
Yuchun: Pienso que es para la chica una situacion dificil.
PP: Es verdad. No solo es incapaz de mostrar sus sentimientos sino que además trata fríamente a la chica.
Yunho: Para mi no importa que, quiero convertirme en alguien así.
PP: ¿No se crearan muchos malentendisos?
Yunho: No hay otra opción.
Yuchun: Si le dice o no se lamentara, entonces en este caso ¿no es mejor decirle sus verdaderos sentimientos?
Changmin: Yo pienso igual que Yuchun.
Jejung: Yo pienso en el amor, el orden es importante.
PP: Jejung parece ser un experto en las relaciones.
Jejung: Ah, no. Yo solo decía (risas). Pero precisamente porque hay muchos tipos de amor, es por eso que es más interesante.
Junsu: El realmente lo esta diciendo (risas).
Jejung: Estoy bromeando (risas).--
08. Because Tomorrow Will Come

All: Wow~~!! (claps)
Changmin: As this song will be the ending song for the anime [One Piece], so it's a song that expresses courage and hope and I think it's really not bad.
PP: As expected, you're really candid (laugh). Up until now, your fans seem to be increasing and it seems like Japan has caught the Tohoshinki fever.
Junsu: Ah... it's still too early to say. We still need to work harder.
Yunho: But, we'll work towards that goal. We've debuted in Japan for almost a year and it's because of everyone's support that we've been able to grow little by little.
--Changmin: Nosotros estamos nerviosso porque esta es de nuestro primer album en Japón. Nosotros le adpatamos nuevos sentimientos pero debemos continuar trabajando fuerte. También, el single [Because Tomorrow Will Come], que salio a la venta el 8 de Marzo, también será incluída en nuestro nuevo album.
Todos: Wow~~!! (aplausos)
Changmin: Como esta canción fue el tema final del anime [One Piece], es una canción que expresa valor y esperanza y creo que no está nada mal.
PP: Como esperaba, tu eres realmente sincero (risas). Ahora parece que sus fans se han incrementeado y parece que Japón ha tomado la fiebre Tohoshinki.
Junsu: Ah... es muy pronto para decir eso. Necesitamos trabajar mas fuerza.
Yunho: Pero, nosotros trabajemos para ese objetivo. Nosotros debutamos en Japón hace casi un año y es gracias a ustedes y su apoyo que hemos sido capaces de crecer poco a poco--
09. O-Jung.Ban.Hap

--A partir del rap fresco Yunho en [O-Jung.Ban.Hap] la cual es una canción con un baile energético que será lanzado como un single de doble de un solo lado con la canción [Miss You], en noviembre de 2006. No hay palabras para describir sus actuaciones para esta canción y de sus conocimientos de idiomas que son perfectos. Sus actuaciones son un resultado de un gran de trabajo duro y se puede decir que es una obra que muestra el núcleo de Tohoshinki! También es increíble que en este momento ellos sean capaces de realizar una gira en vivo!--
10. Sky

Jejung: Also, when the plane lands and the seat belt sign has not turned off yet, he's the only one who will head out to grab his luggage (laugh).
Yuchun: To Yunho, the airplane is like his house (laugh).
Yunho: (Denying) But I'm only like this on the plane. When I get on the plane my spirits are high, once I get off I'll fall asleep and keep sleeping (laugh).
Jejung: He is a free-spirited person.
All: (burst out laughing)
Yuchun: But in the recording studio, Junsu becomes a free-spirited person too (laugh).
Junsu: Eh??
Jejung: He's like a lion, standing on a chair and singing (laugh).
Junsu: This... It's easier to sing the high notes when I'm standing on a chair. But I definitely won't do this for the recording this time round, so don't worry! (laugh)
11. Somebody To Love

Yunho: This song, the melody is quick but overall there's this lonely feeling. It's the same with vocalization. It's really hard to express that feeling.
Changmin: Also, the lyrics also depict the feeling of wanting to have a summer love.
PP: Then, what is everyone's ideal summer love scenario?
Yunho: My good friends, the person I like and I going on a holiday and while on the trip, I'll confess as I play the piano.
Yuchun: On a programme that I'm on, I'll play our song to relay my feelings.
12. Lovin' You

PP: The ending that Jejung imagines?
Jejung: The girlfriend is gone, that is to say, she dies...
PP: What a tragic end. So it's impossible to meet the girl again.
Jejung: Also, in the lyrics, at the end there's "I'll see you in my dreams". Because he can't accept her death, is unwilling to believe and keeps thinking that this is just a dream.
Junsu: I really like this part.
Yuchun: I also love this phrase the most. Just through this one line, you can imagine so many different stories.
Jejung: Also, it feels like he can only see her in his dreams... (lowers head)... uh-oh, my tears are going to overflow (laugh).
Changmin: No matter what, anyone who listens to this song will find it easy to enter the world of this song. You only have to listen to it once to remember it. Among so many of Tohoshinki's songs I think the lyrics for this song are most likely to occur in the real world.
Jejung: In the real world I definitely don;t want this kind of thing happening to me (laugh).
Changmin: (Immediately) Me too (laugh). The ending depends on everyone, but meeting and parting is something that everyone has to exprience.
13. Rising Sun

Junsu: This song is the title song for our 2nd Korean album and it's very popular in Korea. But from among our Japanese singles, it's something that we never had before with very strong dance moves so we were very nervous.
Yunho: From the beginning, we were not just an acappella group. Whether it's singing or dancing, we aimed to do our activities while showing our different sides. Therefore, in Korea, to us it's natural to dance. But in Japan, for an energetic song like this where you can see explosive dance moves, this is a first. So we hope everyone will dance with us and continue to support us.
PP: So everyone is very good at dancing?
All: (silent smiles)
Yuchun: But Yunho is really very good at it.
Jejung: Aside from me, everyone is very good (laugh).
14. Summer Dream

PP: Jejung looked really thirsty from the way he drank the water.
Jejung: I just pretended so it'll look that way.
Junsu: I think it looks like his saliva is flowing out (laugh).
Jejung: I'm sorry, this was an order from the director (laugh).
Junsu: Changmin tried to object against the director for the scene where he drinks from the tap. I want that kind of scene! (laugh)
PP: Only Changmin!?
Changmin: Do you believe that?
PP: No. Even if there's a member that objects to the director, it won't be Changmin (laugh).
Junsu: Didn't you know that recently Changmin has become very hardheaded? It's super scary (laugh).
Changmin: Because there are member that angers me, especially Junsu, he's the worst (laugh).
Yunho: I think so too. Either Changmin doesn't get angry, or when he does, he explodes (laugh).
Yunho: When it comes to summer, it's a-nation! This year we must fulfil our wish for summer! That's why we will perform [Summer Dream] during a-nation.
Junsu: Everyone, please listen to it (oyaji gag version)
Jejung: To translate, it means to please listen to it.
Junsu: That's right, that's what it means (laugh).
Jejung: When you listen to this song during summer, you'll feel relaxed. (oyaji gag)
Yunho: Okay, you can stop now.
Junsu: Everyone is an adult, right? (continues)
Yuchun: I'm sorry (end of oyaji gag) (laughs)
15. Bolero

Junsu: Oh really? This is special songs. (with a weird English accent)
Yuchun: It's 'song' (laugh).
Junsu: (Ignores) Lady plays ballet.
Yuchun: (bursts out laughing)
Junsu: Polaris bright...
All: ...
Junsu: Oh my god! (all burst out laughing)
Yunho: To translate, he means that this is about a girl dancing the ballet in the moonlight. It depicts a man's feelings and desire as the Northern Star protecting the girl who has a brilliant dream.
Changmin: It's a song full of ups and downs. One of the highlights near the end of the second part, from Junsu's falsetto onwards when it becomes higher and reaches the peak.
Yunho: Good song! (t/n: in English)
PP: Has Yunho fallen to that too? (laugh)
16. Begin

PP: The lyrics also have this. Is there anything that you want to bid farewell to right now?
Junsu: The memory of me losing to Changmin during a game last night (laugh). I've never lost before so I'm really surprised that he became so good so quickly.
Changmin: Because I worked hard (laugh)
Yunho: I caught a cold recently, so I want to say goodbye to my cold (laugh).
Changmin: I keep lazing in bed, I want to say goodbye to that.
Junsu: Please make sure you do it! (laugh)
Yunho: Also, I have a wish regarding Junsu. Please say goodbye to your habit of eating quickly.
Junsu: That's very difficult... From last time, I've never been able to take my time and savour it (laugh).
Yunho: It's twice as fast as my eating speed.
Junsu: In school, even if it's just an extra minute to play soccer, I wanted to get it so I developed the habit of eating quickly. Instead of eating, it's more like I drink it down (laugh).
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