sábado, 30 de octubre de 2010

JYJ Twitter Update

Good night everyone! Bye Bye!
4 hours ago

I was attacked by JiJi.. compared to my hand, my heart is more wounded.. But because JiJi is happy he is playing behind..someday i will receive the treatment a master should get. http://yfrog.com/5y8sqrj
6 hours ago

It is just a guide at home..
6 hours ago

I have finished recording!
7 hours ago

@zzzkissme that's right.. I was attacked just now and my hand bled.. I am scared now.
13 hours ago

In the end peace was resumed for JiJi, GG and ZZ. http://yfrog.com/69a69oj
13 hours ago

GG was frightened by JiJi.http://yfrog.com/6g3exoj
14 hours ago

Because there were leftovers I packed it up and brought it back.. I should it eat at home..http://yfrog.com/644kaj
15 hours ago

This is my meal! http://yfrog.com/16qncgj
17 hours ago

tada!! http://yfrog.com/jwuy0nj
18 hours ago

Because I am in front of such a place, I can't eat even if I want to. http://yfrog/75grtpj
20 hours ago

oh! it is only 9.. i am going to get fat.. I still have to eat 2 more meals..
21 hours ago

Lunch ti---me~ http://yfrog.com/mtf97pqj
21 hours ago

The good weather has gotten a bit warm^^ http://yfrog.com/87mkgj
22 hours ago

@ayu_19880408 Ahh. ayu.. you are too undetermined! in any case I am going to drink coffee now.. see you later!
23 hours ago

@ayu_19980408 try your best! cause it will be rewarding if you succeed..
23 hours ago

@ayu_19980408 that's a lie.. it's just a picture.. you can change it.. try asking someone around you. :(
23 hours ago

@ayu_19980408 what's that! it is just because you don't want to change..
23 hours ago

@ayu_19980408 eee. why are you unable to change it?
23 hours ago

Did everyone sleep well? It is another terribly cold day.
28 oct

Yes since Yoochun is doing 2 jobs on his own.. Yoochun should pay^^
28 oct

@psh2530 My love, sang ho hyung! If we had met earlier it would be so much better but I am very happy that we met now.. In the future too, we won't need to say "Let's be together unchangingly." I believe that we will be together. You must be tired because of me.. I am always very thankful.
8 hours ago

@kangsungpil Hyung you always think well of me! I am always thankful! It is great that I was able to meet Hyung in this project!
9 hours ago

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